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Testos diversa
par Oscar Wilde
traduida par Andrew Burns
Cuando Narsiso mori, la stange de sua plaser cambia de un tas de acuas dulse a un tas de larmas salosa, e la oreades veni plorante tra la bosce afin los ta canta a la stange e ta comforta lo.
When Narcissus died the pool of his pleasure changed from a cup of sweet waters into a cup of salt tears, and the Oreads came weeping through the woodland that they might sing to the pool and give it comfort.
E cuando los vide ce la stange ia cambia de un tas de acuas dulse a un tas de larmas salosa, los laxi sua mexones verde e cria a la stange e dise: “Nos no mervelia ce tu lamenta en esta modo per Narsiso, el ia es tan bela.”
And when they saw that the pool had changed from a cup of sweet waters into a cup of salt tears, they loosened the green tresses of their hair and cried to the pool and said, “We do not wonder that you should mourn in this manner for Narcissus, so beautiful was he.”
“Ma esce Narsiso ia es bela?” la stange dise.
“But was Narcissus beautiful?” said the pool.
“Ci sabe plu bon ca tu?” la oreades responde. “El ia pasa sempre nos, ma el ia xerca tu, e el ia reposa sur sua riva e ia regarda a su a tu, e en la miror de sua acuas el ia mirori sua propre belia.”
“Who should know that better than you?” answered the Oreads. “Us did he ever pass by, but you he sought for, and would lie on your banks and look down at you, and in the mirror of your waters he would mirror his own beauty.”
E la stange responde: “Ma me ia ama Narsiso car, en cuando el ia reposa sur mea riva e ia regarda a su a me, en la miror de sua oios me ia vide sempre mea propre belia mirorida.”
And the pool answered, “But I loved Narcissus because, as he lay on my banks and looked down at me, in the mirror of his eyes I saw ever my own beauty mirrored.”
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